Sub Zero Draught System Course
Struggling With Your Sub Zero?
The Molson Sub Zero draught system is fantastic…when it is working properly.
Your staff are the problem. 95% of service calls for Sub Zero are staff related.
# Purchased | Discount |
1 - 9 | 0% |
10 - 19 | 15% |
20 - 39 | 25% |
40 + | 50% |
People like cold beer! Make sure you have some Sub Zero draught to sell.
Improper FOB resets, improper pouring, lack of troubleshooting knowledge, and just not understanding how it works…all lead to downtime, spillage, and expensive after-hours service calls.
This course is the solution.
An online course that is trackable, consistent, unintrusive, and endorsed by Molson.
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